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The Housing and Dining Appeals Committee has the role of reviewing requests from students with extenuating circumstances who feel that they should be released from their contract. The committee is made up of representatives from UK Housing, UK Dining, and the University of Kentucky.

The committee meets once each month to review completed appeals. Students who submit their appeals by the 1st of each month will be reviewed on the second Wednesday of the month, and will be notified of their decision by the third Wednesday of the month. 

The type of documentation and supplemental information will vary based on the type of request being made. It is the students responsibility to provide supporting documentation and the committee will not gather documentation on the students behalf.

This committee does not hear Damage Appeal Claims. Those appeals go through a different process. Click here for more information on Damage Appeal Claims. 

Submit your Appeal

Prior to submitting your Appeal Form, please review the Criteria for Requesting Release outlined below. 

Submit Appeal Form

Criteria for Requesting Release

The housing and dining contract is issued for the full academic year and is strictly adhered to with exceptions made only under special circumstances. A request for a release from the contract does not constitute an automatic release nor should acceptance of the form be construed as a commitment to release. Essentially, consideration for adjustments or cancelation of the housing and dining contract will fall into five categories: withdrawal from the university, medical, marriage, financial hardship that has occurred after the contract was signed, and study abroad/externship/internships/co-ops.

Documentation Required

Withdrawal from the University

This applies to students who withdraw completely from the University (enrolled in 0 credit hours).


Present letter of recommendation from the University Health Service or a private physician (on doctor’s official stationery, complete with address and phone number). It should include all of the following information:

  1. Health professions recommendation that it is in your best interest to not live on campus due to the medical issue.
  2. Date illness was diagnosed.
  3. Type of treatment prescribed. 
  4. Last contact with the doctor regarding the illness.
  5. In what ways does living in the residence hall contribute to the illness?

Consultations with University Health Service to interpret letters from private physicians may be requested by the Dean of Students Office.


Submit a true copy of the marriage license.  Copy must bear the county clerk’s seal and records/filing notations.

The release, if granted, will be approved near the date of the marriage (up to one week prior) when it does not occur between semesters.

Primary consideration will be given to those students moving into university married student housing. Consideration for off-campus housing will be given only if on-campus married/family housing is not available.

Cases of Necessity

In the case of a major change of circumstance, the following reasons will be reviewed on a case by case basis:

  • Financial Hardship

Financial reasons for release will only be considered if it can be verified that a significant change in the financial status of a student’s family or background had occurred since the date the student signed the contract.  Examples might include a death of a parent, permanent lay-off of a parent, family bankruptcy, etc.

A release will not be granted for a student to move into off-campus housing, fraternity/sorority houses, to secure less expensive housing, to commute from home, or live in newly family purchased, non-permanent residential property​.

  • Study Abroad

Submit verification of participation from the appropriate office.

  • Externships/Co-op Programs/College of Agriculture Programs (farms)

Submit verification of participation from the appropriate office.


Questions? Email

Supporting Documentation

Below you find a list of supporting documents that are required to substantiate your request for release. This list is meant to serve as a guide and contains the documents required for common types of requests.  It is the students responsibility to provide supporting documentation and the committee will not gather documentation on the students behalf. 

Co-op Program

  • A copy of your acceptance notification or offer of participation in the program. Please make sure this includes the name and location of the program as well as the dates you will be participating.
  • An email or letter from the person in your college UK who helped coordinate your Co-op experience.

Financial Hardship

  • Document a significant financial change since you applied for Undergraduate Housing.  
  • Examples might include family bankruptcy, permanent job loss of a parent, etc.  


  • Document of a change in health since you applied for Undergraduate Housing or inability to remain in residence hall due to medical reasons. 
  • Letter of recommendation from your private physician.  The letter needs to be on the doctor’s official stationary with address and phone number. The letter should include:
    • History of the illness.
    • Date illness was diagnosed.
    • Type of treatment prescribed.
    • Last contact with the doctor regarding the illness.
    • Expected duration of the illness.
    • In what ways does living or eating on-campus contribute to the illness?

Study Abroad

  • A copy of your acceptance notification or offer of participation in the program. Please make sure this includes the name and location of the program as well as the dates you will be participating.
  • An email or letter from the person at UK who helped coordinate your Study Abroad experience.




FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

I decided that I want to live off-campus, why am I still being charged?

When you applied to live in Undergraduate Housing you selected a meal plan and agreed to terms of the contract. These terms include the cancelation schedule. This determines the amount that you will be charged based on the date that you cancel your Housing and Dining application.  You agreed to these terms online and were sent an email confirmation to your official UK email address.

If I want to move to my fraternity or sorority house at the semester break do I have to pay a fee?

Yes, your rental Undergraduate Housing contract is for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters). If you choose to break it you will be charge 50% of the spring rate for housing and dining.

If I want to move out of my residence hall at the semester break do I have to pay a fee?

Yes, your Undergraduate Housing contract is for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters). If you choose to break it you will be charge 50% of the spring rate for housing and dining.

What if I have extenuating circumstances that require that I cancel my Housing contract?

Please review the Criteria for Requesting Release to learn about reasons that are acceptable for appeal. Then fully complete the Form To Request Release to be considered for an appeal. 

Please keep in mind that the committee will only review information that is supplied on this form so please be thorough. Once your appeal is submitted, you will need to supply Supporting Documentation  to be reviewed by the committee.